Lyft Gift Card

Lyft Gift Card

A Lyft gift card is a prepaid card that can be used to pay for rides with Lyft, a popular ride-sharing service. These gift cards are convenient for those who frequently use Lyft to commute, travel around the city, or need a reliable ride without the hassle of carrying cash or using credit cards for each transaction. They can be especially useful as gifts for friends, family, or colleagues who rely on Lyft for their transportation needs.

Lyft gift cards can be purchased online or at select retail locations. They do not expire and can be used to pay for all ride types, including standard Lyft rides, Lyft XL, Lux, and more. The card's balance can be easily added to a Lyft account through the app, making it a straightforward process for recipients to use their gift.

Key points about Lyft gift cards include:

  • Purchase Options: Available online on the Lyft website or through retail stores such as Walmart, Target, and others.
  • Denominations: They come in various amounts, typically ranging from $25 to $100, although specific offerings may vary.
  • No Expiry: Lyft gift cards do not expire, allowing recipients to use them whenever they need.
  • Usage: Can be used to pay for all types of Lyft rides.
  • Redemption: The card balance can be added to a user's Lyft account via the app.
  • Transferability: Once added to a Lyft account, the balance cannot be transferred to another account.
  • Non-refundable: Once purchased, Lyft gift cards are non-refundable.

Remember, Lyft gift cards cannot be used to tip drivers; tips must be paid separately, typically through the Lyft app. Also, they are currently only valid in the country where they were purchased.


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